The exultant words proclaim it: "
The Lord is risen. Alleluia.!" Jesus was raised up to glories and eternal life by his Father, a pledge for our resurrection to new life.
And that is the cause for our Easter joy and jubilation. In his letter, St. Paul declared that the crucifixion, death and resurrection were folly and scandal for some. However, to us and for those who came before us throughout the world, it is our promise of eternal life and our hope of salvation.
Now the good news of that message is entrusted to us, so that with new zeal and determination, we let if fill and shape our lives, so that we may pass it on to a world that is unbelieving, yet also desperately needs to believe. As we rejoice in the good news that Jesus has conquered sin and death, may our lives proclaim that resounding truth through our faith, our hope, and our love.
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia!"
A blessing and fond wishes for a holy and joyous Easter to all of you and your families.