With the current surge of COVID-19 cases, pastors in Sacramento and Yolo Counties should instruct staff and parishioners to wear face coverings when indoors. This includes offices, churches, classrooms, and other public settings.
All pastors in the Diocese of Sacramento should continue to recommend that the Faithful wear masks indoors. Wearing masks and following other practical public health protocols is an act of charity and respect for one another. The pandemic still threatens the most vulnerable among us. With patience and generosity let us care for one another.
Continue to encourage the faithful to be vaccinated. Anyone with personal medical concerns should consult with one’s doctor.
For parishes, offices and schools in Sacramento and Yolo counties, please update your parish safety plans. The Office of Lay Personnel will provide updated signage as well as specific language to be employed in implementing these protocols. All pastors and the faithful should continue to observe sensible public health precautions:
* Practice frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer. * Refrain from hand shaking and other forms of physical contact with others outside of one’s household. * Continue to clean the pews at least twice on Sundays and other days when there are multiple services.
During the distribution of communion priests, deacons, and extraordinary ministers should wear facemasks and have sanitizer available for use when needed.
May the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse, bring an end to the pandemic and fill us with the mercy and patience of the Lord Jesus.
Respectfully, +Jaime Soto Bishop of Sacramento DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO 2110 Broadway • Sacramento, California 95818 • 916/733-0200 • Fax 916/733-0215